As of 10/22/14
The Junior National Association of the Deaf was founded by the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) as a youth program to develop interest and leadership among young deaf students in State Associations and/or organizations of the deaf and to provide a meaningful group activity for them.
The Bylaws herein reflect a mutual understanding and working relationship between the two organizations.
Section 1 The name of this organization shall be the Junior National Association of the Deaf, hereinafter referred to as the Junior NAD or Jr. NAD, a program of the NAD.
Section 2 The name of the Jr. NAD headquarters herein shall be referred to as the NAD Headquarters.
Section 1 The official logo of the Junior NAD shall be:
Section 2 The official slogan of the Junior NAD shall be: “Joining Nourishes Adult Development”
Section 3 The official motto of the Junior NAD shall be: “Promoting the Tomorrow of all the Deaf By Working with the Deaf Youth Today”
Section 4 The official creed of the Junior NAD shall be:
“We believe:
That Junior NAD program is the outstanding textbook helper of the school;
That Ultimate educational goals are attainable through motivation;
That National competition and recognition promote maximum excellence;
That Initiative is the best vehicle for realization of maximum potential:
That Opportunities for total development are greater in group situations;
And that Resourcefulness and enthusiasm make a more complete deaf person.
That Never ceasing advocacy strengthens the position of the deaf community;
That Appreciation and respect for nature helps guide an adolescent into becoming a well-rounded leader;
And that Deaf people truly can do anything that they set their minds upon.”
The purpose of the Junior NAD shall be as follows:
a. To empower students through partnerships in leadership, citizenship, human communication and teamwork.
b. To provide students with unlimited opportunities for contribution to the development of their school and community.
Section 1 A chapter organization at any program or school for the deaf shall be a chapter of the Junior NAD.
Section 2 A community-based chapter may be formed if there is an inadequate number of active members to form a chapter at a single program or school for the deaf; or, where there are fewer than four (4) deaf and/or hard of hearing students, they shall have privileges to join the nearest Junior NAD chapter.
Section 3 A chapter shall consist of at least four active members.
Section 4 A chapter shall have at least two advisors.
Section 5 A chapter shall have officers of its own and shall function as independent units of the NAD headquarters.
Section 6 A chapter shall be sponsored by a state association.
Section 7 A chapter shall be in good standing upon payment of membership dues to the NAD Headquarters.
Section 8 A chapter shall abide by the Bylaws of the Junior NAD.
Section 9 Any local or regional event sponsored by a chapter must be recognized by the NAD Headquarters.
Section 10 The quorum for each chapter meeting shall be no less than one-fourth of active members.
Section 1 Any student in the seventh through twelfth grade is eligible to join a Junior NAD chapter.
Section 2 Chapter advisors shall be members of the Junior NAD and their State Association.
Section 3 Membership in the Junior NAD shall terminate under the following conditions:
a. Failure to send membership dues to the NAD Headquarters.
b. Voluntary withdrawal by written request to the NAD Headquarters.
Section 4 Reinstatement of membership may be attained by written request and by payment of current membership dues to the NAD Headquarters.
Section 1 The conference officers of the Junior NAD shall be as follows:
a. Host Chapter’s Student President
b. Host Chapter’s Student Vice President
c. Host Chapter’s Student Secretary
Section 2 The president shall chair all general business meetings at the conference.
Section 3 If the president is unable to chair a general business meeting, the vice president shall fill the office of the president.
Section 4 The secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of the conference.
Section 5 The officers shall hold offices for the duration of the conference.
Section 6 The advisor(s) of the delegate’s home chapter shall accompany them to the Junior NAD conference.
Section 1 The fiscal year of the Junior NAD shall be from November 1 to October 31.
Section 2 Annual national dues shall be recommended by the NAD Headquarters and approved by the delegates and advisors at a regular conference meeting.
Section 3 A chapter shall determine whether or not to increase their dues above the national dues for chapter purposes.
Section 1 The biennial national conferences of the Junior NAD shall be held during off-numbered academic years.
Section 2 The biennial regional retreats of the Junior NAD shall be held during even-numbered academic years.
Section 3 The regional retreat sites shall be chosen up to two years in advance.
Section 4 The national conference sites shall be chosen up to four years in advance.
Section 5 General business meetings shall be held at the national conferences.
Section 6 The quorum shall be the majority of the delegates present.
Section 7 A chapter may send up to two delegates to a national conference. Four will be allowed if space allows.
Section 8 The Eastern Region shall be composed of Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.
The Western Region shall be composed of Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Section 9 The host chapter of the conference shall provide NAD Headquarters with opportunities to review all plans, including budget on regular basis to be agreed upon between NAD Headquarters and the Host.
Section 10 NAD Headquarters shall send guidelines to the host chapter of the next conference.
Unless otherwise provided for in the Bylaws, the parliamentary authority shall be the Robert’s Rules of Order (newly revised edition).
Section 1 These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Junior NAD delegates present at any conference, provided amendments are submitted to the NAD Headquarters sixty (60) days prior to the conference and reviewed by the Bylaws Committee at the conference.
Section 2 The Junior NAD is a youth program of the NAD, and in no way shall the Junior NAD operate or adopt a Bylaw in conflict with the Bylaws of the NAD. The NAD Board of Directors must approve all future revisions of the Bylaws.
Section 3 The NAD Board of Directors shall have veto power over any action taken by the Junior NAD and by the chapter delegates at the national conference of the Junior NAD.
Section 1 In the event of dissolution of the Junior NAD as a youth program, all funds and assets remaining in its name shall be turned over to the National Association of the Deaf Youth Programs Fund.
Section 2 In the event of dissolution of a program, school or community based chapter, all of its remaining assets shall be turned over to: 1) its program or school; 2) its sponsoring state association; or, 3) charitable organizations dedicated to the betterment of deaf people, provided complete copies of documents are sent to the NAD prior to turning over assets.