NAD Proclamation of Liberty at Independence Hall


Upon the conclusion of the Council of Representatives meeting during the 50th Biennial National Association of the Deaf (NAD) Conference, representatives of the NAD Board of Directors, State Associations, Affiliates and other groups along with conference attendees gathered at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA to reaffirm the commitment of NAD to preserve, protect and promote full human rights for all Deaf Americans.

The idea for this historic gathering was the brainchild of Kevin Clark, who is pictured at left along with Amy Cohen Efron, Sheri Farinha, Roz Rosen along with Astrid Amann Goodstein, who as outgoing NAD Board member and on behalf of President Bobbie Beth Scoggins, presented the following proclamation:

We, the representatives of Deaf Americans, gather together during the 50th Biennial National Association of the Deaf (NAD) Conference, at the inspirational Liberty Bell in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on this day – Saturday, July 10, 2010 – to proclaim, protect, preserve and promote our liberties as Deaf Citizens of the United States of America:

  • Liberty for American Sign Language, Deaf Culture and Deaf Community
  • Lliberty from oppression
  • Liberty from audism and all “-isms”
  • Liberty from eugenics
  • Liberty for equal education and employment
  • Liberty for full access with quality telecommunications and interpreters
  • Liberty as equal human beings with full human rights in each and every arena of life.

The time has come for a fully recognized and respected Deaf Liberty Bell for all. 
