The NAD Headquarters staff is almost completely remote, with only essential support staff functions going to the office on an extremely part-time basis.
If you’d like to connect with someone from the NAD team, please feel free to email [email protected], and we’ll be happy to set up a video call with you. We look forward to connecting!
We do not sell, rent or otherwise disclose personal information collected by our site to third parties.
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By Mail
National Association of the Deaf
8630 Fenton Street, Suite 202
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Call Us
Note: all phone numbers go to the Front Desk
- 301-587-1788 (Purple/ZVRS)
- 301-328-1443 (Sorenson)
- 301-338-6380 (Convo)
- TTY: 301-810-3182
- Fax: 301-587-1791