Submit Your Proposed Bylaws Amendments Via ASL Or English!

[Note: video description and transcript can be found below].
Individuals of the NAD may submit proposed amendments to the NAD Bylaws, using the Proposed NAD Bylaws Amendment Form provided online.  The NAD Board appointed member for Youth, Joshua Beckman, shares how any individual may submit their revisions via American Sign Language (ASL) or English.  For individuals who submit their proposed amendments via ASL, you can video record yourself and upload your video to any online video site (YouTube, Vimeo, etc) and share the links in the form provided below. Proposed changes to the NAD Bylaws will be presented to and voted upon by official delegates at the 52nd Biennial NAD Conference.
The deadline to submit your revisions is May 1, 2014.
Video description and transcript:
Video begins with the NAD Conference Theme in American Sign Language (ASL).
Video dissolves to white then to Joshua Beckman.
JOSHUA: You can submit your proposed amendments for the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) Bylaws. All accepted proposals will be discussed at the conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Anyone, who is currently a NAD member, can propose revisions for the Bylaws.  However, you still can submit your revisions even if you cannot attend the conference.  Also, you don’t have to be a delegate! You can submit your changes online at There are two ways you can submit your revisions, either in ASL or English.
To submit your revisions in ASL, can go ahead and videotape yourself.  Use any online video service providers such as YouTube, Vimeo and so forth, and from there all you need to do is copy your video link and paste it in the appropriate box online. Again, your ASL video links are acceptable.
To submit your revisions in English, just follow the instructions online and type in your revisions. Again, English versions of your revisions are acceptable.
The NAD Bylaws is important!  Please read and submit your revisions. The deadline for all submissions is May 1, 2014. We will not accept any after May 1, 2014.
Video fades to the same NAD logo in green and peach before transitioning to the NAD logo in red and blue. Black text below the logo appears, “A production of The National Association of the Deaf (copyright) 2014 All rights reserved.”