NAD President Lisa Rose – SuperBowl

Summary: President Lisa Rose expresses profound disappointment in the failure of the NFL and FOX Sports to show the ASL performers on the main broadcast screen.

February 10, 2025 

Like many of you, I was very disappointed that FOX Sports and the NFL did not show the ASL performers in full during the Super Bowl Broadcast. They could have easily included the ASL performers in PIP for the entire duration of the performance.  They chose not to.

We must continue to fight for our linguistic and human rights. That is why the NAD exists, and this is what we have been advocating for since 1880. We need your action to support this. It is inexcusable that they did not show the ASL performers in full! We will continue to fight for you and the Deaf community.

Please contact FOX News and Fox Sports  and NFL to express your frustration and disappointment! We have posted a template email below, which you can use when you contact them. Please copy and paste and send to them.

We must continue to fight for next year and make it clear that what happened is unacceptable!

Thank you for your continued support of the NAD and fighting to make our community better.

Together, we can make a difference! 

Lisa M Rose 


National Association of the Deaf 

Sample email:


Like many other thousands and thousands of deaf and hard of hearing people, I was extremely disappointed to see that FOX Sports did NOT portray the ASL performers in a picture-in-picture during the Superbowl yesterday.

This is a direct slap in the face of the hard-working performers, and the community that was eagerly looking forward to watching them. Once again, we were forced to the separate-but-not-equal channels, watching on phones and small screens while our families and friends enjoyed the game on the big screen.

I hope that you will advocate on our behalf for next year.


<your name here>