Deaf Truck Drivers Urged To Apply For CDL A And B Exemptions

The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) is pleased to announce that as a result of its ongoing advocacy with the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) more than twenty deaf and hard of hearing truck drivers who submitted applications for an exemption from the DOT hearing requirements through the NAD in July 2011 are now being considered for full Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDL) including CDL A and B to drive vehicles with and without airbrakes.

The DOT through its regulations, has long required inpiduals seeking CDLs to satisfy Physical Qualification Standards before becoming eligible to receive a CDL. These Physical Qualification Standards include a requirement that unfairly barred deaf and hard of hearing people from driving commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce.

Although the NAD has long fought for equal access and opportunities for deaf truckers, this is the first time the United States Department of Transportation has agreed to consider waiving its hearing requirements for deaf drivers. The exemption applicants included deaf and hard of hearing men and women from all over the United States. The exemption applicants hope to win the right to obtain Commercial Driver’s Licenses (CDLs) to drive trucks nationwide.

If you would like to apply for an exemption from the DOT hearing requirements, it is not too late and the NAD is here to help. This program is offered by the NAD free of charge to deaf and hard of hearing drivers. The NAD will submit applications to DOT on behalf of all qualified drivers for full and equal CDLs to drive vehicles with and without airbrakes!

Deaf truckers who would like to apply for an exemption from the DOT hearing requirement should contact the NAD.  Each driver will be asked to complete an application, and provide a copy of their state driving record and state driver’s license.