NAD Opposes Possible Cuts to Medicaid Benefits

The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) strongly opposes any cuts to Medicaid and encourages members of the deaf and hard of hearnig community to participate in the September 21, 2011 Medicaid Matters rally at the U.S. Capitol. After the passage of the Debt Ceiling Bill, a Super Committee of Twelve was created and charged with reducing the deficit by at least $1.5 trillion by 2021. While it is not certain which programs will be cut, it is clear that Medicaid will be on the table for possible major cuts.

“Millions of Americans with disabilities rely on Medicaid and cannot afford to lose their coverage. Medicaid allows millions of people with disabilities to receive a wide variety of important services, which allows them to remain independent and employable. These services are especially critical during these uncertain economic times,” said NAD CEO Howard Rosenblum.

Join NAD CEO Howard Rosenblum at the September 21st rally and let Congress know that Medicaid Matters! The rally, sponsored by over 50 disability, aging, and civil rights groups, will start at noon on the west side of the U.S. Capitol.