Got a question you’ve been wanting to ask the NAD CEO, Howard A. Rosenblum? Looking for some clarification regarding a lawsuit? Wondering what the status is about something? The AHA video series gives YOU an opportunity to have your questions answered! You can submit questions to [email protected], on the contact us form, or via comments in social media — just include #AskHoward.
- April 2019, What Makes the NAD a Legitimate Organization?
- March 2019, Difference between Open Captioning and Closed Captioning
- February 2019, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Companions
- January 2019, Can the NAD lobby?
- November 2018, Automatic Speech Recognition
- October 2018, Why Become a Registered Voter?
- September 2018, International Week of the Deaf
- August 2018, Oppose Brett Kavanaugh for the U.S. Supreme Court
- July 2018, Recommendations For New School Leader Search/Selection Process
- May 2018, What Does the Law and Advocacy Center Do?
- April 2018, Who Should Provide Interpreters?
- March 2018, Hire Deaf Talent, Stop Misappropriation
- February 2018, Advocacy Letters vs. Position Statements
- January 2018, Difference Between Board and Staff
- October 2017, What to do When Face Legal Situation
- September 2017, Your Health Insurance At Risk?
- August 2017, American Bar Association
- July 2017, Why NLTC?
- May 2017, NAD Advocacy Letters
- April 2017, Tell Congress Not to Pass H.R. 620 & H.R. 1493
- March 2017, U.S. Supreme Court Decision on March 22, 2017
- February 2017, A Day Without Immigrants
- January 2017, EHDI and IDEA up for re-authorization
- December 2016, How Are Conference Sites Chosen?
- November 2016, Results of #Elections2016
- October 2016, Vote For Disabilities Related Question for Presidential Debates
- September 2016, Write to Congress about H.R. 3765
- June 2016, New Web Video Series!
- May 2016, Submit A Priority for the NAD
- April 2016, Fifth Year Anniversary as CEO
- March 2016, CEO Outreach Activities
- February 2016, Text-to-911
- January 2016, Streaming Media In The Air
- December 2015, Good Bye to 2015, Hello 2016
- November 2015, NAD Breakthrough Awards Gala
- October 2015, What Howard does during his free time
- September 2015, Become a Registered Voter
- August 2015, World Federation of the Deaf
- June 2015, Video Remote Interpreting
- May 2015, How should we sign “The National Association of the Deaf”
- April 2015, Why the NAD focuses on lawsuits as part of its mission
- March 2015, William Elsworth Hoy