Linda Bove, Deaf Interpreter

NameLinda Bove
City, StatePhoenix, Arizona
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Text Number(818) 941-2520
Interpreting ResumeCDIRESUME2020.pages
What certifications do you have?Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI)
Your certification ID #22525
Do you have experience with
  • platform interpreting
  • Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)
  • video ASL translation
Your GenderFemale
List content areas you're familiar withlegal, Mental health, Federal and State Briefings (Platform), VR Settings, Conference platform
Are you willing to take on assignments involving
  • live emergency press briefings
  • Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)
  • video ASL translation
What experience did you have or training did you receive to be qualified to interpret live emergency press briefings?VRI and Politics trainings, VRI Di-HI teaming series,
List links of previous live press briefings you've done

White House Press Briefings, Virtual Platform
State Governor's Briefings (weekly) Onsite

Do you have access to a studio with
  • video equipment
  • camera lights
  • color background backdrop